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“New Source Review is awesome, necessary, and legal.” – US Supreme Court

New Source Review, a key provision of the Clean Air Act, will stay in place. This is a major defeat of the Bush Administration and its attempts to soften clean air laws for dirty industrial polluters in the midwest. Read the ruling.

Emily Figdor, US PIRG’s Clean Air advocate (and an acquaintence and former co-worker of mine) said…

“Today’s ruling is a tremendous victory for public health and the environment,” she said. “The court slammed the door on the Bush administration’s attempt to create a gaping loophole in the Clean Air Act for some of the nation’s worst polluters.”

Shes exactly right, and because of the work of Appalachian Voices, PIRG, and clean air advocates all over North Carolina and Virginia – we won!

New source review is the requirement under the Clean Air Act that requires facilities that want to expand their emissions output to install modern pollution controls.





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