Blog Archives

Fighting for equitable land access in Southwest Virginia

Absentee land ownership in Wise County

Large, out-of-state companies often hold huge tracts of land in Southwest Virginia and across the region for its perceived coal or timber potential — making it difficult for nearby communities to use the land themselves.


New Economy Network looking to 2021 at November meeting

CONTACT: Austin Counts, New Economy Field Coordinator,, (276) 219-2751 Southwest Virginia — The New Economy Network will host a virtual meeting on November 18th, from 6 – 8 p.m., to discuss the network’s goals for 2021. All are invited


“Succession School” to Help Ohio’s Elder Generation of Farmers

Young farmers can have trouble accessing land, and often the direct descendants of older farmers are becoming less interested in taking up the torch. An Ohio program aims to help older farmers with the succession process.


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