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Appalachian Voices denounces FERC’s greenlight for Mountain Valley Pipeline to resume

CONTACT: Cat McCue, 434-293-6373, Jessica Sims,, 804-356-1228 In a snub to thousands of Appalachian landowners and others seeking to stop the unneeded, dangerous Mountain Valley Pipeline, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission late today voted 2-1 to extend its


Mountain Valley Pipeline is not a done deal

Two years behind schedule, $2 billion over budget, only half-built, facing financial headwinds and some investor skepticism, the Mountain Valley Pipeline is anything but a done deal or a sure bet.


43,000 demand FERC reject extended permit for Mountain Valley Pipeline

pipeline sections

CONTACT: Doug Jackson, 202-495-3045, Cat McCue, 434-293-6373, Washington, D.C. – Water and climate advocacy organizations submitted comments and signatures from more than 43,000 people demanding the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) deny the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline


VICTORY! The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is cancelled!

In a historic win for environmental justice, the 600-mile, massive fracked-gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline project has been cancelled.


FERC rubber stamps unneeded Southgate fracked-gas pipeline


CONTACT: Ridge Graham, North Carolina Field Coordinator,, 828-262-1500 The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission today granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC, for its Southgate pipeline project. The pipeline would take gas from the


It’s high time to abandon ship on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Try as they might, Dominion Energy and Duke Energy have never been able to justify the tremendous environmental and social costs of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline — nor the project’s economic burden on customers. As they meet with shareholders this week, they should abandon ship on this boondoggle.


Va governor signs pipeline bill that protects consumers

CONTACT: Cat McCue 434-293-6373 This week, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam signed into law HB 167, which protects utility customers from paying for large new gas pipeline costs if the State Corporation Commission (SCC) determines that new pipeline capacity is


Federal report on MVP-Southgate pipeline snubs human, environmental impacts

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) today published the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Mountain Valley Pipeline Southgate extension pipeline. Although considerations were incorporated from public comments, the overall conclusion of the FEIS remains the same from its


FERC orders halt to Mountain Valley Pipeline construction

CONTACTS: Doug Jackson, Sierra Club, 202-495-3045, Cat McCue, Appalachian Voices, 434-293-6373, Jared Margolis, Center for Biological Diversity, 802-310-4054, WASHINGTON, D.C. — Late yesterday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) ordered Mountain Valley Pipeline LLC to halt construction


Virginia Gov. Northam announces climate goals for 2050

CONTACTS: Cat McCue, 434-293-6373, Today, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signed Executive Order 43, setting a goal for the commonwealth to achieve 100 percent zero-carbon electricity by 2050. Statement from Appalachian Voices Executive Director Tom Cormons: This announcement from the


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