Trump’s pick for Commerce has troubled history in coal

Creative Commons, copyright Palm Beach Daily News.

Wilbur Ross — a man who helmed a large Kentucky coal company with a troubled history of environmental and miner safety violations — has been chosen to be the next U.S. Secretary of Commerce. If President-elect Trump truly believes that economic growth and opportunity can only be gained at the expense of worker safety, community health and clean water, he could make no better pick than Ross.

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OSMRE announces review of mountaintop removal health research

Contact: Erin Savage, Central Appalachia Campaign Coordinator, 206-769-8286 The federal Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) announced today that it will fund a $1 million review by the National Academy of Sciences of current research on the links between surface coal mining and human health risks. It comes more than a year after…

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