Appalachian groups urge Biden, Congress to ensure climate action helps energy transition communities

APPALACHIA — Today, dozens of Appalachian organizations and national partners submitted a letter to President Joe Biden, U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer urging them to make sure that a budget reconciliation package under negotiation in Congress targets climate action spending in ways that help communities in coal-impacted Appalachia and elsewhere benefit from the transition to a clean-energy economy.

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What it takes to reenergize Southwest Virginia

Economic development in Southwest Virginia could get a long overdue jumpstart with the suggestions Virginia Energy outlined in its Reenergize Southwest Final Report. The report, which was released in December 2021, makes recommendations for the General Assembly to support the economic transition in the coalfields after eliminating the state’s coal tax credits in 2021.

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National coalition urges Congress to boost support for communities transitioning from fossil fuels

CONTACT: Jeremy Richardson, Union of Concerned Scientists,, 301-442-1326 Cat McCue, Appalachian Voices,, 434-293-6373 Washington, DC – As America continues to transition toward clean energy, Congress must take swift and comprehensive action to support the workers and communities — from Appalachia to the West — who have historically depended on the coal, oil and…

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