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Federal funding can’t protect 100,000s of NC families from eviction and utility shutoffs

Raleigh, NC — Despite last week’s passage of legislation allocating nearly $500 million for emergency rent and utility assistance, hundreds of thousands of struggling families in North Carolina will remain at risk of eviction and disconnection from water and energy


NC public interest groups urge Gov. Cooper to immediately suspend evictions, utility shutoffs

Raleigh, N.C. — A coalition of racial justice, housing, low-income and conservation groups today sent a letter to Governor Roy Cooper urging him to institute an immediate emergency moratorium on housing evictions and electricity, gas and water shutoffs to prevent


Groups urge expansion of NC utility shutoff moratorium during Covid-19

CONTACT: Rory McIlmoil, Sr. Energy Analyst, Appalachian Voices,, (423) 433-9415 Maria Michalos, Eastern Regional Communications Manager, Natural Resources Defense Council,, (631) 848-1588 Al Ripley, Director, Consumer, Housing and Energy Project, NC Justice Center,, (919) 274-8245 Hilary Lewis,


Appalachian States Respond to Climate Change Warnings

maps of temperature increase

Many federal and state leaders continue to ignore man-made global climate change in spite of information presented in new national and international reports. But the governors of North Carolina and Virginia are taking action.


Gov. Cooper should crack down on Duke Energy’s hazards

Recent revelations of collusion between Duke Energy and university scientists regarding coal ash should come as no surprise. Duke is, after all, a notorious corporate polluter on federal probation after pleading guilty to systemic violations of the Clean Water Act.


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