A “strict proposal” that should be stronger

coal1The N.C. Senate’s coal ash bill would put into law what Duke Energy has already committed to: cleaning up the most high-profile coal ash sites in the state. But in its current form, the proposal gives too much sway to the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and a coal ash commission that has yet to be created.

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Debunking Duke: Why Captain Abandon is a failed superhero

Water spills_ NC Dan 2Since the Dan River spill in February, Duke Energy has been under immense public pressure to clean up its toxic coal ash legacy without passing the cost on to their ratepayers. Rather than actually cleaning up its coal ash, however, the company is spending millions to clean up its image by launching a that claims, “We’ll do the right thing with our coal ash.” It’s what the “right thing” is that remains contentious.

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EPA Proposal for Toxic Coal Pollutant Won’t Protect Clean Water

Resources EPA Draft Selenium Standards Selenium in Kentucky Fact Sheet Read more about selenium on our blog Contact: Eric Chance, Water Quality Specialist, 828-262-1500, eric@appvoices.org Erin Savage, Water Quality Specialist, 828-262-1500, erin@appvoices.org Cat McCue, Communications Director, 434-293-6373, cat@appvoices.org Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a draft of new national water quality…

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North Carolinians Stand Together for Coal Ash Cleanup

10252094_506959482737403_4600067065101973655_nThis month residents and clean water advocates across North Carolina have stood together to demand that Duke Energy clean up its coal ash pollution. On May 1, Appalachian Voices joined hundreds to rally outside Duke’s annual shareholder meeting and a little more than a week later we helped host a community paddle and picnic day on Belews Lake, where the the largest and dirtiest coal plant in North Carolina is located.

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N.C. coal plant neighbors ask: “At what cost?”

AWCblogNear the beginning of our new video, Stokes County, N.C., resident Annie Brown says, “I love to turn the switch on and have my lights just like anyone else, but at what cost?” It’s a question we should all ask of ourselves. But we also must direct our elected officials and electric providers to consider the question: at what cost do our outdated energy policies and practices come?

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Spring Happenings for Clean Water in N.C.


This spring, many North Carolinians are feeling renewed concern about the threat coal ash poses to our water resources. During the next month, concerned citizens are gathering across the state to make their voices heard and create a cleaner way forward. Find a festival, rally, picnic or community meeting near you!

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North Carolina sides with Duke Energy by appealing coal ash ruling

Buck Steam StationDuke Energy recently appealed a ruling that gave North Carolina authority to force the company to immediately clean up its coal ash pollution across the state. But why would the N.C. Environmental Management Commission join Duke and also appeal the decision? The answer likely has to do with who sits on the commission and how they were appointed.

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Attempts at Legislation, Regulation Follow Water Threats

By Molly Moore Almost as soon as West Virginia American Water Company ordered 300,000 residents to avoid contact with their tap water, the question arose: why was crude MCHM, a chemical now known to be highly toxic, so poorly understood and regulated? The lack of a clear answer brought national attention to the fact that…

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