
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia


Coal slurry spill in West Virginia linked to Alpha Natural Resources affiliate

A coal slurry spill on March 23, 2017, leaked approximately 5,400 gallons of coal slurry into Crooked Run, a tributary of the Coal River. The processing plant in Boone County, W.Va., where the spill originated is affiliated with Alpha Natural Resources.

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Cutting carbon pollution in Virginia: Governor McAuliffe should finish what he started

In his final year in office, Governor McAuliffe can cement a powerful legacy on climate and the economy by leading the way on environmental protection and climate action.

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Atlantic Coast Pipeline proposal raises questions that beg for answers

West Virginia resident and guest blogger April Keating outlines some of the key concerns with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, including safety risk, runoff and pollution, increased fracking, costs to ratepayers and more.

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Students speak out against the Atlantic Coast Pipeline: Why collaborative resistance matters

Guest bloggers Divest Appalachian members Cassidy Quillen and Olivia Nelson take a look at how the Atlantic Coast Pipeline touts an ideology of sustainability while profiting off of industries driving climate change.

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Get out the sunscreen: Solar is coming to Southwest Virginia

The Southwest Virginia Solar Fair on May 9 in Wise, Va., will be a celebration of the upcoming solar development in Southwest Virginia and brings an emerging and exciting effort full circle.

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