
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia


Students speak out against the Atlantic Coast Pipeline: Why collaborative resistance matters

Guest bloggers Divest Appalachian members Cassidy Quillen and Olivia Nelson take a look at how the Atlantic Coast Pipeline touts an ideology of sustainability while profiting off of industries driving climate change.

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Get out the sunscreen: Solar is coming to Southwest Virginia

The Southwest Virginia Solar Fair on May 9 in Wise, Va., will be a celebration of the upcoming solar development in Southwest Virginia and brings an emerging and exciting effort full circle.

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Two North Carolina counties make energy efficiency history

Two western North Carolina counties — Yancey and Mitchell — made energy efficiency history when they passed resolutions supporting development of an “on-bill financing” for their citizens by local utility French Broad Electric.

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Unnecessary and unwanted: Opposition to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline grows

The public has taken every opportunity to tell FERC to reject the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. There’s still time to add your voice to the choir of people across the country urging FERC to reject the unnecessary and unwanted project.

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White House budget leaves Appalachia in the dust

The White House released its budget blueprint last week, and the proposal is nothing short of a disaster for Appalachia and rural communities across the country. Here’s a look at a few agencies and programs the White House wants to completely eliminate if it had its way.

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