
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia


The Land Matrix, Part 2: The major players

Part two of the Land Matrix series takes a look at how major landowners like coal corporations affect the land ownership in Appalachia — and how this top-heavy structure could be preventing major changes that would have positive impacts on the local economy.

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Energy Savings progress in 2017 provides momentum for 2018

From community resolutions to Pay As You Save, 2017 has been quite the year for the Energy Savings for Appalachia campaign. Read about our campaign this year and find out how you can get involved!

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Cover of the Solar Roadmap for Southwest Virginia

A roadmap to boosting solar in Southwest Virginia

Last week, the Solar Workgroup of Southwest Virginia released an outline for bringing a just, sustainable energy economy to the coalfield region.

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More water pollution from the Kingston coal plant?

This week, Tennessee officials are reviewing the renewal of a water discharge permit for Kingston, Tenn. coal-fired power plant that spilled 1.1 billion gallons of coal ash in 2008 — but the new draft permit makes no improvements toward protecting public waters.

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Virginia Water Board to decide on fracked-gas pipelines

This week and next, the Virginia State Water Control Board will decide whether to allow pipeline companies to build the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines. Show up to add your comment and show opposition to these senseless projects!

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