Front Porch Blog
Updates from Appalachia

Trump administration backs down on closing job centers
The Trump administration opted not to close down nine job centers that serve rural areas, including four in Appalachia, after widespread public backlash.
Advocates for Appalachia in D.C. this week
Meet Laura Miller, Jacob Hannah and Darrell Coker — three Appalachians who traveled to D.C. this week to stand up for their communities and advocate for passage of the RECLAIM Act.
As Duke Energy contests cleanup, new evidence points to coal ash risks
As Duke Energy appeals the state of North Carolina’s coal ash cleanup order, new information points to the severity of the problem and why coal ash excavation is needed.
When “clean” energy isn’t
Once the planet’s temperature rises 1.5 degrees Celsius due to global warming, “the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse polish off their martinis, look at each other, and say, ‘It’s go time.’”
Pass the RECLAIM Act
Politicians like to talk about helping rural Appalachia. The RECLAIM Act is a chance for them to show that they mean it.