
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia

An orange-tinted creek

Local governments call for abandoned mine cleanup

Local governments in Southwest Virginia and Pennsylvania are passing resolutions supporting cleanup of abandoned coal mines. A bill that would extend federal funding passed the House Natural Resources Committee last week.

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The change in Richmond can bring change statewide

Advocates for clean energy, environmental justice and fair electricity pricing are leveraging the shift in political power in Richmond to advance their missions. Here’s some of the bills Appalachian Voices is working on this session.

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Momentous win for environmental justice and against pipelines!

Communities and organizations fighting the proposed fracked-gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline celebrated a monumental win for environmental justice this week.

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Duke Energy rate hike hearings 2020

After our victory on North Carolina’s Senate Bill 559, Duke Energy is yet again asking the state regulators for permission to raise the rates it charges families and businesses.

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black lung demonstration

Progress on healthcare for miners with black lung disease

Congress reinstated a tax to fund healthcare and benefits for miners with black lung and their families for 2020 — but further action is needed to extend the tax and support the fund for 10 years.

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