
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia


Belong to an electric co-op? Your vote is needed!

Most rural folks rely on electric co-ops for their power, and as “member-owners,” they vote on board members who decide everything from rates to whether clean energy is part of their energy source.

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flat gravel site with equipment

Delays, pollution and financial hurdles plague Blackjewel mines

Recent developments in the Blackjewel bankruptcy case raise more doubts about whether the serious reclamation problems at many of its coal sites will be properly addressed anytime soon.

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It’s high time to abandon ship on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Try as they might, Dominion Energy and Duke Energy have never been able to justify the tremendous environmental and social costs of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline — nor the project’s economic burden on customers. As they meet with shareholders this week, they should abandon ship on this boondoggle.

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Coal miners call on Congress for support amidst dual threats from black lung and COVID-19

The coal industry is trying to exploit the coronavirus pandemic for a tax break at the expense of healthcare and disability benefits for miners with black lung, but miners are pushing back.

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Va governor signs pipeline bill that protects consumers

A new law in Virginia protects electricity customers from paying for unnecessary natural gas pipelines; it could have impact on the controversial Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

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