
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia


Homeowners near mine struggle with blasting damage

From The Appalachian Voice: Karen and Jerry Kirk live in a home that they believe was damaged during blasting for a nearby surface coal mine. Despite years of frustration, they have been unable to get compensation for the damage to their property.

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What happened on Pine Creek?

A lot of folks have had questions about last month’s mine blowout on Pine Creek, in Letcher County, Ky. So we’ve put together an explainer that runs through the facts, the science and the regulatory protocols behind spills like this — and offers tips on what you can do about them.

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Don Blankenship sentence “historic,” but not enough

The coverage of Blankenship’s sentence should shift the public’s focus to the leniency and lacking enforcement of our mine safety laws. Since few observers outside of Blankenship’s defense team and the “Dark Lord of Coal Country” himself would argue the punishment fits his crime, the question then becomes: what punishment would?

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From inside Appalachia, a look at WGN’s “Outsiders”

Exclusive to the Front Porch: WGN’s television series “Outsiders” doesn’t leave a single stereotype of Appalachia unturned. In this essay exclusive to the Front Porch Blog, award-winning author Ron Rash reflects on how stereotypes cloak harms much more profound than cultural misperceptions: “The region is diverse, and many areas are doing well, but for those that are not, might a show focused on “retard hillbilly animals” make it easier for America to ignore the region’s needs?”

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Sleeping giants: TVA and Georgia Power stuck in second gear on energy efficiency

While even the region’s top achievers have room for improvement, some of the largest utilities in the Southeast are seriously falling behind on energy efficiency. In particular, the Tennessee Valley Authority and Georgia Power are two enormously capable utilities that appear to be stuck in second gear.

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