New Contaminants Found in Fracking Waste

Researchers tested wastewater discharged or leaked into Pennsylvania and West Virginia waterways and found ammonium and iodide in abnormally high levels in hydraulically fractured and conventionally drilled oil and gas operations, both of which are exempt from the Clean Water Act.

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Looking on the bright side, states seek solar benefits

U.S. jobs grew nearly 20 times faster in the solar industry than the whole economy’s national average, reports The Solar Foundation, and some southeastern states are catching the rays of the burgeoning industry with policies encouraging growth in both privately-owned and utility-scale solar.

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White House moves to regulate methane emissions

After years of scientific research pointing to methane’s outsized contribution to climate change, the Obama administration will use its executive power to regulate emissions of the potent greenhouse gas from oil and gas productions and pipelines.

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Alpha Agrees to Water Pollution Settlement

Alpha Natural Resources agreed to a settlement in a 2012 lawsuit, brought by the Sierra Club and other environmental groups, regarding high levels of conductivity found in streams at two of its mountaintop removal mining complexes in West Virginia.

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Clean Line Wind Project Clears Hurdle

Houston-based Clean Line Energy Partners LLC received initial approval from Tennessee regulators to construct a 700-mile transmission line that would deliver wind power to customers in the Tennessee Valley.

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Lawsuit Challenges State Fracking Panel

The Southern Environmental Law Center filed a lawsuit challenging the North Carolina legislature’s role in appointing the majority of members of the body responsible for developing rules to regulate fracking in the state.

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