Anthony Flaccavento: Appalachia’s Economic Transition is Underway

{ Editor’s Note } Appalachian Voices is pulling up another chair to the Front Porch. Through our new guest blog feature, we’ll regularly invite influential voices to reflect on issues you care about — mountaintop removal, clean water, and promoting a strong, healthy economy and environment for communities in Appalachia and the Southeast. To kick…

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More clean energy and less coal ash waste ahead for Asheville

Asheville, N.C., harbors a lively community that has united to push for clean energy and to put an end to Duke Energy’s polluting ways. Two wins came this week for Asheville residents when the City Council voted to increase investments in clean energy and, the next day, the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources…

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In Wake of Shutdown, Polls Point to Congress’s Unpopularity and Public Support of EPA

Two recent polls reveal that North Carolinians and Virginians strongly approve of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s plans to regulate carbon emissions from new power plants and the agency’s role in protecting clean air and water for all Americans. According to a Public Policy Polling survey of 803 North Carolinians commissioned by the Natural Resources…

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In Defense of the Earth: An Appalachian Poet’s Presence

Stream “Wendell Berry, Poet & Prophet” below or watch it on Moyers & Company by clicking here. Widely celebrated as a caretaker of the culture and myth of rural America, Wendell Berry has a distinct drawl and speaks like he writes, eloquently but with simple words and equal parts conviction and compassion. Beyond being a…

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Shutdown Continues: Appalachian Public Lands Feel the Pressure

By Nolen Nychay Editorial intern, Fall 2013 It is day 16 of the government shutdown, and while a resolution is being negotiated, budget cuts and furloughs at federal agencies continue to affect workers and communities near public lands. Both the National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service have closed all offices outside of crucial emergency…

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How the Government Shutdown Effects Rural Energy Efficiency Programs

While many rural electric cooperatives are waiting eagerly for the government to get back to work, others are moving forward on energy efficiency. While some rural electric cooperatives are large and have the ability to provide valuable services to their customers, others are smaller, cash-strapped, and face administrative and financial challenges on a daily basis.…

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Podcasting Appalachian History

By Bill Kovarik Dave Tabler’s education in art history didn’t prepare him to be an Appalachian historian so much as his hope to overcome the way his father “spent a lifetime running away from mean jokes about marrying your cousin and swilling moonshine.” After helping his father with a book, Tabler started the Appalachian History…

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