Forest Service Extends Comment Period in Proposed Timber Cut

The public hearing was organized by The Clinch Coalition, a local member of Virginia Forest Watch. Scott County Virginia Star From Staff Reports Sept. 13, 2006 Forestry officials decided to extend their initial comment period following a Monday night public meeting in Dungannon. About twenty-five Scott County citizens attended the public meeting to voice their…

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Ed Wiley Arrives, Meets with Byrd!

Ed arrived in Washington today, and it was an extremely powerful experience. He met with Senator Robert C. Byrd, and we all have our fingers crossed that Byrd will do something to help the children of Marsh Fork Elementary School. Here is the AP article: Wiley arrives in Washington, D.C., meets with Senator Byrd By…

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Ed Wiley Arrives in Washington

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, September 13, 2006 Contact: Ed Wiley: 860-248-9512 or 304-928-0208 Heather Lascher Todd (Rep. Pallone): 202-225-4671 Coal River Mountain Watch: 304-928-0208 Mary Anne Hitt (Appalachian Voices): 540-239-0073 WEST VIRGINIA GRANDFATHER COMPLETES 455-MILE WALK TO WASHINGTON TODAY SEEKING HELP FOR SCHOOL THREATENED BY MINING Ed Wiley joined by thousands across America in calling…

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GE Trees Taking Root in the Forest Industry

A cozy triad of government, forestry industry stakeholders and academic biotechnology researchers is developing, poised to promote the public acceptance of GE trees. [ Canada ] Concerns about genetically engineered foods and industrial crops continue. At the same time we must face the reality of another, potentially greater, threat to planetary biodiversity – genetically engineered…

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Please Call Your Congress Person

Appalachian Voices, Coal River Mountain Watch, Pennies of Promise, OHVEC, Save Our Cumberland Mountains, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and an army of Appalachian people are in DC right now lobbying for “The Clean Water Protection Act” to help end mountaintop removal. Its absolutely the most phenomenal thing I’ve ever been a part of. Please chip…

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The MTR Week In Washington Has Begun!

Just a quick note from Washington to let everyone know that we’re here and the Mountaintop Removal Week in Washington has begun!!! We had an excellent, very full day of training today and we’re ready to hit Capitol Hill tomorrow. Believe it or not, we have over 60 people here from 13 states who already…

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Knock Knock Knockin on D.C.’s Door!!

When we started this epic adventure, we spoke in reverend tones about the distance that we had to go. 450 miles takes on an entirely new perspective when you are confronted with the reality that this is no longer a day trip, welcome to the 40 day march to DC. After 37 days on the…

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Reuters Article About Ed Wiley’s Walk to Washington

Just saw this Reuters article on about Ed’s walk and wanted to share it with everyone: W.Va grandpa marches on DC for clean air, safe schools Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:30pm ET165 By Lisa Lambert WASHINGTON, Sept 10 (Reuters) – Ed Wiley, a West Virginia grandfather, is marching on Washington, walking hundreds of miles…

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Cooperating Across Boundaries: Partnerships to Conserve Open Space in Rural America

Growth and land conservation are often seen as two opposing forces with proponents of each scrambling to beat the other to valuable land. Fortunately, a new paradigm is emerging. Development and conservation of open space can be compatible and complementary when applied in strategic, collaborative ways. This publication focuses on the benefits of partnerships and…

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