
Dear friends at Appalachian Voices, This spring the Southern Energy Network (SEN) and the Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) are partnering with grassroots community groups in the coalfields of Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia to hold Mountain Justice Spring Break in Charleston, WV from March 10-18! This will be an opportunity for current and future…

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[WNCREI] 2007 Renewable Energy Workshops from ASU

Please join us for these exciting workshops in the beautiful North Carolina mountains. We have partnered with national experts in renewable energy to bring you the most comprehensive educational and hands-on experience possible. Check out the workshop page for detailed information and online registration. Please print out a workshop flyer and post widely to help…

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Forestry Field Day at Cooleemee Plantation

Forestry Field Day at Cooleemee Plantation April 10, Advance, NC, Topics include: Natural stand management, Prescribed burning, Harvesting systems, Working forest conservation easements, Wildlife habitat management, The Farm Bill, Invasive Species, & FSC Certification, hosted by the Southern Forestry Foundation, www.southernforestryfoundation.org, to resister email or call by April 4th: Connor Coleman 704-647-0302, connor@landtrustcnc.org News notes…

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Big Coal

Within the next week or so, I look forward to finishing this book – Jeff Goodell’s “Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind America’s Energy Future“. Its one I’ve had to read paragraph by paragraph, as it is absolutely loaded with relevant information on coal, carbon, mountaintop removal, global warming, labor, industrial history, emissions, mercury pollution,…

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Editor, Appalacian Voice, My name is Denver Mitchell and I am writing this letter because I am concerned about how the coal companies are raping our land and tearing up our mountains. I think it is a shame that the people in the valleys aren’t fighting against this more. When we went to grade school,…

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Dear Appalachian Voice, I read with interest your article on Coyotes head East, (Appalachian Voice, Winter 2003). In Central New York State we have been dealing with the coyote, and problems attendant for several years. The coyotes are prevalent in most of New York State. I know from reading Henry Hooker’s book Fox,Fin and Feather,…

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Even small business gets into the green act

Environmentally friendly products and practices gaining momentum [New York] The expression “going green” might have a gimmicky sound, but for small businesses, selling environmentally friendly products and services can be very profitable. And even companies whose line of work is more traditional can benefit from using green products and practices. Floorworks, a Toronto-based hardwood flooring…

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