Commenting on New Nationwide Permit Policy

As many of you know, yesterday the Army Corps announced that they would be moving forward with suspending the Nationwide Permit 21(NWP 21) process for mountaintop removal and valleyfill operations for Appalachian states. Instead, the Army Corps will be using a slightly more in-depth “individual permitting process” in their review of Section 404 Clean Water…

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The Declining Power of Coal

How much does a ton of coal weigh? It sounds like a funny question, but – if you’re burning coal for energy – all tons are not created equal. The value of coal comes not from the raw tonnage, but from the heat content of that coal. The higher the heat content, the fewer tons…

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Appalachian Voices Applauds NC’s Move Towards Wind Energy

Appalachian Voices applauds moving NC towards wind energy and supports action by the North Carolina Senate to pass Senate Bill 1068. The original version of this bill, developed by the hard work of the Wind Technical Advisory Group, attempted to design a permitting regime that would allow for the responsible development of wind in NC…

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Coal Country Premieres

The latest documentary film to examine mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia, “Coal Country,” premiered Saturday, July 11 night to a standing-room-only crowd. While the event was mostly uneventful, during the screening there were boos and heckling from pro-mountaintop removal people in the audience and Capitol Police escorted several coal miners from the building after…

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According to the Society of Environmental Journalists: EPA released an update of its National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment on June 24, 2009. The results indicate that almost every person in the US lives in an area where the cancer risk exceeds 10 in 1 million after a lifetime of exposure to selected air toxics, well in…

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Visit your Representative to End the Appalachian Apocalypse

The following email was sent to the 36,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here. Dear Mountain Lover, “Mountaintop removal coal mining is the worst environmental tragedy in American history. When will the Obama administration finally stop this Appalachian apocalypse?“ So began an op-ed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.…

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Peaceful Mountain Keepers Festival disturbed, tensions flare on 4th of July

Every year, Larry Gibson, CNN Hero and founder of The Keepers of the Mountains Foundation, welcomes community members to a peaceful, alcohol-free weekend of fellowship, camping, live music, good food and great company at what remains of his family’s homeplace on Kayford Mountain. Sponsored by The Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OHVEC) and the West Virginia…

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Report: Coal industry costs state government

Here are excerpts from a recent Lexington Herald-Leader article about MACED’s recent study: FRANKFORT — The coal industry takes $115 million more from Kentucky’s state government annually in services and programs than it contributes in taxes, according to a study to be released Thursday. The Berea-based Mountain Association for Community Economic Development, or MACED, spent…

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