Written by Tom Cormons

Tom Cormons
Appalachian Voices' Executive Director, Tom holds a degree in law from UCLA and has a life-long appreciation for Appalachia's mountains and culture. An avid hiker and whitewater rafter, his latest pleasure is in sharing with his kids a deep respect and appreciation of nature.
This time, our elected representatives must tell Dominion ‘No’
Dominion Energy’s impressive profits stem from its great success at shaping the state laws governing its activities. Now the company is back at the General Assembly asking for more special treatment with a legislative package that favors more profits at consumers expense in the long run.
Defending our vision for Appalachia
In our view, the new administration’s approach to environmental protection and national energy policy is dangerously shortsighted. We will do everything we can to see that the laws protecting our natural heritage and the communities of Appalachia are enforced, and not be distracted from our vision for a healthy, sustainable future for our region and beyond. We know you’ll stand with us during this uncertain time.
Happy Holidays from our family to yours
A special note from Executive Director Tom Cormons wishing you a happy holiday season and looking forward to 2017.
What we do now — a note from Executive Director Tom Cormons
I believe deeply in Appalachian Voices’ longstanding mission to bring people together for the well-being of Appalachian communities, our shared natural heritage and our children’s futures. In stark contrast, the presidential election has underscored and exaggerated our differences, overshadowing the many fundamental values we share. But being discouraged is not an option. Instead, we must join together like never before.
We stand together
An important message from our executive director, Tom Cormons: Today, more than ever, we need to stand together and support each other to defend the health of Appalachia’s communities, our irreplaceable natural heritage, and the future of the planet. We know you are with us.
Saying no to a fracked-gas future
From the West Coast to the Dakotas to Appalachia, our country is at an energy crossroads. We can continue building up fossil fuel infrastructure, like the massive fracked-gas pipelines being proposed, degrading our treasured landscapes and waterways, and posing health and safety risks to thousands of families. Or, we can invest in truly clean energy, create jobs, curb climate impacts and build a sustainable future. The choice is clear.
Democracy 24/7/365
Our democratic responsibility should not be confined just to voting on Election Day. We have opportunities throughout the year to participate; whether it’s speaking before our town council, meeting with our congressional representatives, writing a letter-to-the-editor, attending a rally or signing an online petition, each action represents a voice or idea that would otherwise not be heard.
Big steps for Energy Savings for Appalachia
We launched our “Energy Savings for Appalachia” program in 2013 with high hopes of making home energy-efficiency improvements more affordable for more area residents. We reached a major milestone in April when Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corp. (BRE), a rural electric cooperative in western North Carolina, announced a new financing option for its members.
Renewing the promise of Appalachia
There’s more than wildflowers budding in Appalachia as spring comes to the mountains this year. We are witnessing the proliferation of efforts big and small to stabilize and revitalize local economies as the coal industry declines. And the conversations continue expanding outward, bringing together an increasingly broad cross-section of residents and stakeholders.