Written by Thom Kay


Thom Kay

AV's Legislative Director, Thom spends his days between Durham, NC and Washington D.C., knee deep in politics and legislation, working to persuade decision-makers to protect Appalachian communities from mountaintop removal and to invest in a new economy for the region. He is the least outdoorsy person at Appalachian Voices, and he's just fine with that.

EPA Revising Air Pollution Standards

Last Friday, EPA announced it will be considering…

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Polls, Politics, and the Power of Your Voice

With the elections coming up in only a…

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Legislation Addressing Health Impacts of Mountaintop Removal Introduced in Congress

Today, Representatives Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), Louise Slaughter (D-NY),…

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Over the Line

A lot has been made of EPA’s proposed…

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Senator Manchin Should Listen to Himself

It’s rare to get this upset over someone…

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Bad Bill of the Week

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has just introduced a…

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Dangerous Coal Ash Ponds Extremely Common

There should be zero “significant” hazard coal ash…

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An Intentional Government Oversight

Today, the House Committee on Oversight and Government…

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