Written by Rory McIlmoil


Rory McIlmoil

Rory is an energy policy and finance wonk with over a decade of experience working on energy policy and planning in Appalachia. He joined Appalachian Voices in spring 2013 as Energy Policy Director to head up our Energy Savings for Appalachia program. His dog, Hobo, is our official Boone office mascot.

Got 90 seconds? Learn how your electric utility can save you money and energy

What if your home could be fixed up so that you’re cool in the middle of summer, warm in winter, and you have more money every year for things you need? See our new 90-second video and learn how.

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Community members in the French Broad electric co-op service area in western NC attend a forum on energy efficiency.

French Broad communities broadly support on-bill financing

Our recent “French Broad Community Energy Forum” in western North Carolina brought together more than 60 residents and representatives of local government, community service agencies, and businesses to learn and talk about the advantages of providing upfront financing for residents to make home energy efficiency improvements.

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Energy efficiency success in western N.C.

We’re taking a moment to step back and celebrate a significant milestone in our Energy Savings for Appalachia program. Just a few days ago, Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corp. launched a financing program that enables eligible members to make energy efficient home improvements now, and repay the co-op on their monthly bills over time. It’s a win-win for residents, local economies and the environment.

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North Carolina’s reckless approach to the Clean Power Plan: Part 3

By 2020, and without making any changes, North Carolina will likely be 80 percent of the way toward meeting the federal goal for cutting carbon pollution. But it would miss out on a momentous opportunity to leverage the Clean Power Plan for job growth and helping lower-income families. Rather than resist the EPA, our state leaders should step up and position the Tar Heel state as a clean energy leader.

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North Carolina’s reckless approach to the Clean Power Plan: Part 1

North Carolina’s elected leaders and agency officials, with little say from the citizens they represent, have placed us on a reckless course in regard to our future energy mix and our ability as a state to determine that future. But together we can change that.

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Turning down the heat: A collaborative effort to reduce energy bills

Extreme temperatures can send electric utility bills skyrocketing across most of North Carolina and place high demands on the state’s electric utility infrastructure. Fortunately, proven models exist that expand access to financing for energy efficiency improvements for everybody, including those who may not qualify for loans under traditional underwriting criteria.

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Our Energy Savings campaign is heating up in the High Country

Back in October we launched the High Country Home Energy Makeover Contest as part of our campaign to motivate Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corp. to offer an on-bill financing program for their members in western North Carolina. We solicited enough support to pay for energy efficiency retrofits for three Blue Ridge Electric members. Read on to meet the contest winners.

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Upgrade to Save? Sounds like a good idea to us!

bigstock-Energy-saving-with-greenThrough its brand new program, Upgrade to $ave, Roanoke Electric Cooperative is offering its members on-bill financing for home energy efficiency improvements. The program is made possible by a $6 million loan through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program.

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Energy efficiency at the forefront of cooperative principles in Tennessee

Through concerted outreach to East Tennessee electric co-ops and local stakeholders, Appalachian Voices played a key part in making a recent statewide energy efficiency retreat happen. We’re excited by the prospect of a statewide energy efficiency financing program in Tennessee, and we remain committed by doing everything we can to see it become successful in the near future.

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The Power of Energy Efficiency — Building a Stronger Economy for Appalachia (Part 5)

EE_seriesTapping into Appalachia’s vast potential for energy efficiency will help to alleviate poverty and create local jobs while reducing the environmental impact associated with our energy use. In fact, energy efficiency may be the most vital solution to Appalachia’s energy and economic future.

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