Written by Molly Moore
Molly Moore
Molly is passionate about sharing the environmental and cultural stories of our region. She has worked with Appalachian Voices since 2011 and currently serves as AV's Director of Program Communications and Editor of The Appalachian Voice publication.
Addressing the Issue of Fracking and Pipelines
The rapid expansion of a natural gas drilling…
A Better Path than the Coalfields Expressway for Virginia
More than 50 local residents recently attended three community forums in southwest Virginia to express their views on ways to improve transportation in the area.
New Contaminants Found in Fracking Waste
Researchers tested wastewater discharged or leaked into Pennsylvania and West Virginia waterways and found ammonium and iodide in abnormally high levels in hydraulically fractured and conventionally drilled oil and gas operations, both of which are exempt from the Clean Water Act.
Regulators Restore 1983 Stream Protection Rule
To comply with a federal court ruling, the U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement restored an earlier version of a rule meant to protect water quality and stream channels from coal mining waste.
Alpha Agrees to Water Pollution Settlement
Alpha Natural Resources agreed to a settlement in a 2012 lawsuit, brought by the Sierra Club and other environmental groups, regarding high levels of conductivity found in streams at two of its mountaintop removal mining complexes in West Virginia.
West Virginia Legislative Maneuvers Disregard Water Quality
The West Virginia legislature has introduced two new bills that would loosen coal mining rules and impact state water quality.
Clean Line Wind Project Clears Hurdle
Houston-based Clean Line Energy Partners LLC received initial approval from Tennessee regulators to construct a 700-mile transmission line that would deliver wind power to customers in the Tennessee Valley.
West Virginia Repeals “Alternative” Energy Law
West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin signed a bill to repeal the state’s Alternative and Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard, a law ostensibly aimed at promoting adoption of renewable sources.
Interior Dept. Opens Atlantic Coast to Drilling
The Obama administration announced plans on Jan. 26 to open up waters in the Atlantic to oil and gas exploration and drilling.
Lawsuit Challenges State Fracking Panel
The Southern Environmental Law Center filed a lawsuit challenging the North Carolina legislature’s role in appointing the majority of members of the body responsible for developing rules to regulate fracking in the state.