Written by Josh McClenney


Josh McClenney

Josh McClenney is a field coordinator for Appalachian Voices' work on energy democracy. He can most likely be found playing with his two dogs, at the nearest outdoor concert or trying to achieve the perfect cheesecake.

North Carolina Utilities Commission should make the right decision on Duke’s Carbon Plan

Why do legislators and those who blindly accept Duke’s promises act surprised when vague commitments around affordability result in ratepayers getting the short end of the stick? Why do they feign surprise when Duke Energy suggests missing a timeline they set for themselves? Why do they pretend to be shocked when years of advocacy and “compromise” result in a utility cherry-picking what they want, robbing Peter to pay Paul.

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Democracy in action

Voting an exercise in community. It’s an exercise in finding ways in each of our own lives that build a more equitable and resilient community that works for all of us.

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Duke Energy Center

Duke Energy’s Carbon Plan falls far short

Duke Energy would miss important deadlines for reducing carbon emissions and continue relying on polluting fuels if it’s inadequate Carbon Plan moves forward.

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Pushing for transparency and equitable outcomes in North Carolina’s Carbon Plan

Duke Energy’s approach to the carbon reduction plan is long on fossil fuels and short on concern for public input and affordability.

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The ups and downs of the 2021 N.C. legislative session

A long and contentious North Carolina legislative session was marked by a loss against HB 951, a win against HB 220, and an AV team more ready than ever to continue fighting for equity in our energy policies.

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NC’s bad ratepayer bill passed into law

Despite immense pressure from advocates and ratepayers, NC Gov. Roy Cooper signed HB 951, Duke Energy’s handwritten legislation that will drastically raise rates on families and small businesses, into law.

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Duke Energy-backed bill would raise rates, doesn’t guarantee climate measures

Instead of taking the path outlined by Governor Cooper’s Clean Energy Plan, Duke Energy has continued to work behind closed doors to write legislation that lines the pockets of its shareholders, on the backs of ratepayers, while failing to guarantee that the 70% carbon reductions envisioned in the bill will even be achieved by the 2030 target date.

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Proposed NC energy bill would enrich Duke Energy at its customers’ expense

Legislation that Duke Energy and NC Republican lawmakers have crafted in secret for the better part of six months is a horrific piece of public policy.

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Good and bad bills in NC legislature

It’s spring, which means the bills coming into the North Carolina legislature are about as thick as the pollen in the air here. Our NC Field Coordinator Josh McClenney gives us a quick preview of the 2021 session.

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Energy cost hike would burden N.C. families

The Covid and economic crisis has laid bare the monthly struggle too many Americans have faced for a long time — whether to pay their electric bill or buy other essentials like food, medicine or school supplies and risk having their power shut off.

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