Written by Jessica Sims
Jessica Sims
Born and raised in Central Virginia, Jessica holds a lifelong passion for protecting Virginia’s waterways. She works as AV's Virginia Field Coordinator fighting against fracked-gas pipelines.
Not On This Land: Documentary celebrates the community-led fight against the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
The two screenings brought together people to celebrate the fight that brought down the behemoth ACP. “Not On This Land: The Fight Against the Atlantic Coast Pipeline,” directed by Christopher Landry, profiles some of the West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina communities who helped defeat the fracked-gas pipeline.
Mountain Valley Pipeline: Risky, ruinous and roadblocked
Nine years after the Mountain Valley Pipeline project was announced, it remains unnecessary and dangerous to the communities, water resources, lands and habitats through which it is routed.
Hands Across the Appalachian Trail event celebrates the AT and rallies MVP opponents
On Saturday, May 28, more than 65 community members, advocates and allies fighting the Mountain Valley Pipeline celebrated the treasured Appalachian Trail — and the return of the annual “Hands Across the Appalachian Trail” event.
The road to stopping MVP: Spring 2022 update
The fight against MVP continues with a coalition committed to ending this dangerous and unnecessary project.
FERC setting up an “Office of Public Participation.” After 40 years.
Congress told FERC 40 years ago to start an “Office of Public Participation.” The agency is finally doing it — after decades of approving dirty-gas pipelines all across the country.
Stopping a massive fracked-gas pipeline takes a village
Some organize community meetings, some drive for hours to testify at hearings, some pray, some rally, some give detailed research to government agencies, some file lawsuits — and some occupy tree-sits in protest. All stand against the unneeded, dangerous fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline.