Written by AV's Intern Team


AV's Intern Team

Every year, Appalachian Voices is fortunate to assemble a phenomenal team of rockstar interns from numerous Appalachian and East Coast universities. Enjoy these posts from our interns.

McAuliffe Fast-tracks Efficiency

Citing the clean energy sector as a “key…

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In Defense of Food Security

Veteran farmers and gardeners find that working the land can help with the transition from solider to civilian.

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Kids in Parks Reconnects Families with the Outdoors

Trailside brochures guide children through educational, nature-based activities.

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DEP Orders Coal Prep Plants to Disclose Chemicals

An April order by the West Virginia Department…

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New Website Maps Culinary Delights in Appalachia

An online, interactive map offers a taste of Appalachia’s local cuisine.

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Access to Care: Connecting Rural Residents to Medical Services

Groups across Appalachia are training rural healthcare providers and using telemedicine to link specialists to remote areas.

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Online Shopping: A Farmer’s Market

An online marketplace allows shoppers to reach 51 local West Virginia farms at the click of a button.

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The Newest Member of Our Team

Please join us in welcoming Tarence Ray, expanding…

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Solidarity in the Tar Heel State

Story by Julia Simcoe and staff Appalachian Voices…

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Fracking Concerns Fuel Research, Government Opposition

The latest hydraulic fracturing news includes new fracking bans and moratoriums and an increase in earthquakes linked to underground injection of fracking wastewater.

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