Written by Emily Piontek


Emily Piontek

A transplant to Southwestern Virginia from the Midwest, Emily engages with communities and works to build a more equitable and sustainable energy system as our Virginia Energy Democracy Field Coordinator.

Hydrogen gas — what’s all the hype about?

Hydrogen gas as an energy source in Central Appalachia is a real possibility, so we’re unpacking this technology and exploring its potential impact on the health of communities and ecosystems in our region.

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Eighteen women and men line a bricked sidewalk with multistory buildings in the background. They hold signs protesting Gov. Youngkin's attempt to withdraw from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Inistiative.

Governor Youngkin, have you heard? Virginians love RGGI!

Virginians speak up about Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s proposal to exit the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. RGG limits carbon pollution from power plants at the lowest possible cost while funneling millions of dollars into at-risk communities.

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Virginia legislators must take utility shutoff protections seriously this winter

Virginia is one of only seven states that doesn’t protect residents from getting their power or water shut off over unpaid bills during extreme weather. State legislators aim to change that in the 2023 General Assembly session.

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This Sun Tribe Solar project utilizes native plantings, which provide pollinator habitat and reduce erosion. By creating a cooler microclimate, native plantings can even increase the efficiency of the panels! Photo by Sun Tribe Solar

Planning ahead for a bright future in Virginia

Solar is essential to meeting urgent emissions reduction goals, but concerns about smart land use and the community and environmental impacts of large-scale solar don’t have easy answers.

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Pushing for democracy in electric co-ops

Communities in Appalachia are starting to make progress reforming their electric co-ops to be more democratic and transparent in their governance.

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Energy democracy in Virginia: Utopia or a real possibility?

Energy democracy is taking shape in Virginia. Join our statewide workgroup and add your voice to the call for a clean, equitable energy system.

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Stake a claim in your electric co-op!

The 2020 election season is over. But wait, there’s more! Next year in Virginia, you have the opportunity to run for your local electric co-op board.

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Dominion holding out on struggling families

Virginia lawmakers must take this opportunity, now, to compel Dominion Energy to forgive debt of families and businesses struggling from the Covid-economic crisis.

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Utility affordability in the time of Coronavirus

Equitable access to affordable water and energy services — fundamental to human well-being and public health — has been a significant though largely unseen problem for decades. Then Covid struck.

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Energy Democracy for Appalachian Power: New workshops scheduled!

Our (virtual) summer series in Virginia is going strong! We’re happy to announce two upcoming workshops about Energy Democracy and Appalachian Power.

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