Written by Cat McCue


Cat McCue

Although not native to the region, Cat feels deeply connected to the mountains, rivers, backroads and small towns of Appalachia she has come to know over the years. She is Appalachian Voices' Senior Communications and Public Engagement Strategist.

Atlantic Coast Pipeline is far from a done deal

In a classic “fake news” move, Dominion Resources execs held a tele-press conference yesterday where they basically said the Atlantic Coast Pipeline is a done deal. But at least 25,000 people across W.Va., Va. and N.C. are demanding answers, such as: Is this pipeline even needed?

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Federal review of Atlantic Coast Pipeline fails people and the environment

Contacts: Lewis Freeman, Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance, 703-298-8107, lewfreeman@gmail.com…

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Southwest Virginia hosts “Solar Fair”

Contact: Lydia Graves, Appalachian Voices, lydia@appvoices.org, (276) 679-1691…

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Welcome Matt, Terran, Lydia and Mayzie

Appalachian Voices is delighted to welcome these passionate,…

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Trump repeals protection for Appalachian streams, communities

Contact: Erin Savage, Central Appalachian Program Manager, 206-769-8286,…

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Standing up for the Stream Protection Rule

Countless citizens have worked for years to push for a federal rule that would help safeguard drinking water sources and surface waters in coal-impacted communities. It finally goes into effect today, but Congress and the incoming administration have vowed to kill it. Appalachian Voices, in alliance with others, is standing up to defend the Stream Protection Rule.

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Appalachian Voices joins coalition to legally defend stream protections, community health

Contact: Thom Kay, Senior Legislative Representative, 864-580-1843, thom.kay…

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Aww shucks, y’all …. thanks!

We’re doing a little victory dance today! Blue Ridge Outdoors’ readers voted Appalachian Voices the Best Environmental Organization in 2016. Aww shucks — thanks everyone. We’re committed to living up to the honor in 2017, and beyond.

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Atlantic Coast Pipeline environmental review falls short

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission released its draft environmental review of the $5 billion Atlantic Coast pipeline last Friday. Unfortunately, the agency ignored evidence that the proposed 600-mile pipeline, spearheaded by Dominion Resources, is not needed and puts lives, communities, drinking water and the climate at unacceptable risk.

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Groups blast FERC findings on fracked-gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline

To all media: America’s next big pipeline fight…

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