Written by Brian Sewell


Brian Sewell

Brian is an environmental news junkie concerned with our lagging energy policy and revealing the true cost of coal on our health, the environment and the climate. He is Appalachian Voices' Director of Strategic Advancement.

Sustaining Healthy Appalachian Communities

Editor’s Note: Wendy Johnston is a sixth generation…

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Congratulations to our conservation allies on a major victory in the fight to end mountaintop removal!

Patriot Coal Co., one of the largest coal…

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Moving Appalachia Forward!

Editor’s Note: As part of the launch of…

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On the Air, Dispelling the Many Myths of Coal

A few weeks ago, listeners of Sea Change…

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Worried about Water? The EPA’s New Tool Can Help

Maps provide a valuable perspective of the lay…

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Prescription to Play

By Brian Sewell Once upon a time, on…

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Big Coal, Utilities Dominate Virginia Energy Policy, Report Says

Citizens Highlight Money in Politics on Eve of…

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Report Exposes How Big Coal, Electric Utility Money Dominates Virginia Politics and Policy

In advance of the Governor’s Energy Conference that…

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Judge Rules for Coal Companies’ Attempts to Destroy Historic Blair Mountain

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. ruled today…

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Revealing the True Cost of Coal by Taking the “Con” Out of Economics

At the Democratic National Convention, Appalachian Voices’ staff…

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