Written by Brian Sewell


Brian Sewell

Brian is an environmental news junkie concerned with our lagging energy policy and revealing the true cost of coal on our health, the environment and the climate. He is Appalachian Voices' Director of Strategic Advancement.

Appalachian Voices Calls On New EPA Administrator To End Mountaintop Removal Mining

After more than five months of delay and…

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They’re Not Done Yet: After Hard-won Battles, More Blasting in the Coal River Valley

In April, millions of Americans who oppose mountaintop…

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A Legislative Lesson in Taking the Easy Way Out

In the midst of allegations against Duke Energy…

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A Must-Read Report, Another Reminder It’s Time to Build Something New in Central Appalachia

The litany of voices pointing to the writing…

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Permit to Mine one of America’s “Most Endangered Mountains” Denied

Appalachian residents in Virginia are breathing a sigh…

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Mountaintop Removal 101: Congressional Research Service Updates Report

Every day, more Americans become concerned with the…

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A Good Week for Mountains – Multiple Court Rulings Favor Science and Enforcement

We’re only two days into Earth Week —…

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Coal Ash Floods Congress and the Courts

On April 11, the U.S. House of Representatives…

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Meet Your New Interior Secretary

Last week the U.S. Senate approved Sally Jewell,…

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Lawmakers to hold hearings on Scenic Vistas bill on heels of ad campaign from conservatives

Press Advisory Appalachian Voices March 19, 2013 Contact:…

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