Written by Appalachian Voices


Appalachian Voices

Virginia program helps land owners restore degraded streams

The health of our nation’s streams is in…

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Voices on the Wind

Why Not Now? In Kentucky, we trumpet our…

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The Answer is Blowin’ in the Wind

A famous British politician once said that Americans…

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Appalachia’s Ten Best Bike Trails

Not so long ago, when the region’s first…

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Duke’s Bad Energy Idea

This month the Charlotte metro area saw its…

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Marching to Washington for the Kids at Marsh Fork

images/voice_uploads/wiley.gif Ed Wiley is one determined man. On…

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Restoring the Brook Trout

images/voice_uploads/PICT0075%5B1%5Dtrout.gif At the dawn of American Civilization, the…

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Huge Energy Resource from Existing Hydro Dams is Untapped

In the 1930s, FDR proposed a New Deal,…

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Why I am for Wind Power

We can dismantle wind turbines when better technology…

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Scientists Confirm Folk Remedy Repels Mosquitoes

[Mississippi] Swatting mosquitoes and dodging other biting bugs…

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