Written by Appalachian Voices


Appalachian Voices

Researchers to introduce genetically engineered trees

Research have deciphered for the first time the…

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Roadless, once again

By reinstating the forest Roadless Rule, the judiciary…

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New longleaf forests to sprout from grants

[ South Carolina ] Longleaf pine, the centuries-old…

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Sell-off talk prompts chills, thrills

[ South Carolina ] With roughly 145,000 acres…

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Biofuel Boom Sparks Environmental Fears

The use of biofuels is on the rise…

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Certification Growing in Aitkin County

Private woodland owners invited to participate in new…

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Help save N.C. forests

State should provide more incentives for family forests…

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Roadless Victory Talking Points

Today’s ruling is a great victory for the…

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A Moment of Crisis for the Region’s Forests

images/voice_uploads/Deforestacion_02-.gif I have lived near Blowing Rock (always…

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Blaze Orange and Forest Green

Like just about every other 9-year-old boy in…

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