Monthly Archives: April 2008

Talkin Bout my G-g-.generation

The head of AEP managed to make a public appearance down at Virginia Tech. Amazing questions from the students and faculty. Check it out.

Sign the Mile-Long Petition for Clean Energy in Virginia!

You don’t have to be a Virginian to be affected by the pollution from Dominion’s proposed coal-fired power plant in Southwest Virginia, and wherever you’re from, the folks in Southwest Virginia could sure use your help in their fight to

FREE Weatherization Program

Want to save money & energy? Who doesn’t. WAMY Community Action and Blue Ridge Electric are hosting a weatherization preparation program. It takes place on Thursday, April 17th from 8:30am until 11:00am and Monday, April 21st from 6:30pm until 9:00pm.

CONSOL Energy Robinson Run Mine Tour

For more information on the petition visit: For more information on Kathy Mattea and Homer Hickam at the WV mines see:

Help the People of Wise County Defeat Dominion

In just a few weeks, Virginia will be delivering a mile-long petition to Dominion shareholders and Governor Tim Kaine, asking him not to build a 2nd coal fired power plant in Wise County. This plant will increase greenhouse gas emissions,

Don Blankinship Sweet Talks ABC Producer

Massey Energy Co.’s chief executive threatened to shoot an ABC News producer and tore his shirt collar when the newsman made an unannounced attempt to interview him in the coal company’s parking lot, a network spokesman said Thursday. ABC is

Roy Carter, Candidate for Congress, Opposes Mountaintop Removal Mining

April 4, 2008 Dear Friends, I am holding a press conference in the morning and I wanted to take an opportunity to share with you my statement on an issue that is near and dear to my heart. I hope

“One” Opening Reception Benefit for The Vanishing Hemlock

Charlotte, NC – A natural treasure is being lost across the Southeast; the ancient eastern and Carolina Hemlock trees. To raise awareness of this disturbing loss to our forests, ten of the most accomplished photographers in the Charlotte area are

Appalachian Coal breaks $100/ton

Northern Appalachian coal just hit $110/ton. In 2007, it bottomed out at less than $45/ton, meaning it has nearly tripled in ONE YEAR. In April 2007 it was $45/ton. As you can see, for the last three years, Central Appalachian

AV and MTR in the news!

(From our executive director, Mary Anne Hitt) With the presidential candidates in West Virginia last week, coal and mountaintop removal started getting lots of attention, and so did Appalachian Voices. A blog post that JW put together for our Front

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