Blog Archives

Layers of injustice: Community concerns ignored as federal regulators allow Mountain Valley Pipeline to begin operation

Community members have fought this pipeline for 10 years — pointing out its many flaws and dangers and winning court battles by proving developers and regulators were ignoring laws meant to protect communities and the environment. Now, those regulators allow the pipeline to go into service.


Federal government allows failing Mountain Valley Pipeline to go in-service

This lengthy section of green, pre-welded pipeline lays along side a deep, machine-dug trench that extends down a long slope through a cleared swath of forested land.

Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has allowed the Mountain Valley Pipeline to go in-service. This announcement arrives after a decade of community-led resistance to the pipeline project. MVP has doubled in cost and delayed completion for six years due to failures to comply with environmental protections and resulting legal challenges.


The Peoples’ Protector

woman with brown hair in a white sweatshirt stands outdoors

From fighting the Mountain Valley Pipeline to building a community garden, protecting people is at the heart of Crystal Mello’s work.


Mountain Valley Pipeline Construction and Lawsuits Advance

Litigation around the controversial 303-mile Mountain Valley Pipeline continues.


Anger and grief over MVP inclusion in debt deal are warranted, but the fight continues

For those who have poured heart and soul into the fight against the Mountain Valley Pipeline for nearly a decade, June 1 was a horrible night.


Court vacates critical West Virginia water permit for Mountain Valley Pipeline

Today, a unanimous panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit vacated the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s Clean Water Act § 401 certification for the Mountain Valley Pipeline, finding that the agency’s justification behind its conclusion that the pipeline would not violate the state’s water quality standards was deficient.


FERC grants Mountain Valley Pipeline four more years to complete project

The agency had previously granted an extension request in 2020, but the total length of the certificate, nine years, reflects the ongoing roadblocks and volatility of the project. In the motion, the FERC acknowledged “the validity of our conclusions and environmental conditions cannot be sustained indefinitely.” Yet, their decision to grant a seemingly open-ended certificate renewal contradicts this statement.


Hands Across the Appalachian Trail event celebrates the AT and rallies MVP opponents

Activists and partners gather for the Hands Across the Appalachia Trail event. Photo by Russell Chisholm

On Saturday, May 28, more than 65 community members, advocates and allies fighting the Mountain Valley Pipeline celebrated the treasured Appalachian Trail — and the return of the annual “Hands Across the Appalachian Trail” event.


The road to stopping MVP: Spring 2022 update

The fight against MVP continues with a coalition committed to ending this dangerous and unnecessary project.


The ACP was canceled but we still lost our land

Bill and Lynn Limpert

A lot of irreparable harm can be inflicted during a fossil fuel pipeline fight. Just because a pipeline is eventually canceled, doesn’t stop it from bulldozing through precious land and water and exhausting community members to the bone as they fight for their lives.


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