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North Carolina Utilities Commission public hearing to review Duke Energy’s plans for new gas plant in northern Person County

This Thursday, the North Carolina Utilities Commission will hold a public hearing to gather feedback on Duke Energy’s plans to build the first of two new methane gas power plants near its existing coal plant on Hyco Lake in Person County.


Duke Energy’s proposal to convert the Roxboro coal plant to gas would be one of many dangerous new fossil fuel investments

Amid an alarming set of proposals for an extensive methane gas expansion across North Carolina, Duke Energy wants to convert its coal-fired power plant on Hyco Lake in Person County, known as the Roxboro Steam Station, to a combined-cycle methane gas power plant.


MVP Southgate open houses held for three counties

What Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC, had to say at three open houses on their proposed Southgate extension into North Carolina, plus a quick look at the latest developments on the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley pipelines.


Underground Gas Liquids Storage Facility Clears Hurdle

The Appalachia Storage and Trading Hub, which would store natural gas liquids, cleared the first of two application phases for a $1.9 billion loan from the U.S. Department of Energy.


Construction Halted on Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline

Environmental groups and an order of nuns are challenging the controversial pipeline in Pennsylvania.


Groups Face High Price if They Lose Appeal of Duke Energy Gas Plant

Two North Carolina nonprofit organizations face $98 million bond that would bar their legal challenge against Duke Energy’s proposed gas-fired power plant near Asheville.


What’s Coming Down the Natural Gas Pipeline?

Fracked from the Marcellus and Utica Shale formations, a surplus of natural gas could surge into Virginia and North Carolina if new pipelines and infrastructure projects are approved. Citizens and economic experts are raising questions about how steep a toll — both financially and environmentally — these investments in natural gas will take.


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