National Call-in Day to End Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining

By Griff Crews Communications intern, Spring 2011 The following email was sent to the 48,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here. At this very moment, over 150 people – concerned citizens from across the U.S. together with citizens directly impacted by mountaintop removal – are in our nation’s…

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Week in Washington Participant from Georgia: Jeremy Cherson

By Griff Crews Communications intern, Spring 2011 Over the next three days, I am going to be on Capitol Hill working with the Georgia Congressional delegation to end mountain top removal. I just met with Senator Chambliss’ environmental staffer. She spoke about Chambliss having a balance between cheap domestic energy and environmental concerns. My question…

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EPA Releases Draft Rule on Mercury Emissions

By Griff Crews Communications intern, Spring 2011 The EPA finally proposed the first national standard regulating coal and oil fired power plants on March 16th. The EPA’s long overdue proposal directly regulates mercury and toxic air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide which causes acid rain. If the regulations are approved 91 percent of mercury and…

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Another Coal Company on the Run

Yesterday we announced our intent to sue Nally and Hamilton Enterprises for more than 12,000 violations of the clean water act at more than a dozen of its strip mines in Eastern Kentucky. Click here for more information on that action. Later in the day we noticed something odd about their website, it was gone.…

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Another Kentucky Coal Company Falsifies Water Monitoring Data

Working in coalition with national and state-wide environmental and social justice groups, we are once again seeking justice for clean water in Appalachia. At 2pm today, Appalachian Voices and partners announced an intent to sue yet another coal company in Kentucky for violations of the Clean Water Act – this time with a single outfit…

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This Week in Coal

By Griff Crews Communications intern, Spring 2011 The events in “coal news” this week have been thought provoking and encouraging, ranging from the anniversary of one of the greatest coal related tragedies to the recognition of a Kentucky hero by President Barack Obama. So without further delay, here they are: February 26 was the 39th…

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DENIED! Attempted Legal Run-Around by State of Kentucky

Cross-posted from Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, one of our partners in our legal action against ICG and Frasure Creek Mining: The Kentucky Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of KFTC, Appalachian Voices, Kentucky Riverkeeper and the Waterkeeper Alliance by denying the request from the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet and Frasure Creek Mining and…

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Legal Update: Shining the White Hot Spotlight of Justice

Our legal case involving the two Kentucky coal companies’ 20,000+ violations of the Clean Water Act is making Big Coal squirm. On Monday February 21, 2011 Frasure Creek Mining and the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet made an unprecedented move to appeal Judge Shepherd’s decision to the Kentucky Appeals Court. In early February, Judge Shepherd…

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