Virginians demand an impact statement for the Coalfields Expressway

CFX_virginia_sqAppalachian Voices, our allies and supporters are standing up against the Coalfields Expressway proposal. Recent hearings have provided a opportunities to reach decision makers, and meetings in Lynchburg and Roanoke are still ahead. Join the chorus demanding a proper environmental study before the Coalfields Expressway, a mountaintop removal project masquerading as a highway, goes any further.

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EPA Proposal for Toxic Coal Pollutant Won’t Protect Clean Water

Resources EPA Draft Selenium Standards Selenium in Kentucky Fact Sheet Read more about selenium on our blog Contact: Eric Chance, Water Quality Specialist, 828-262-1500, Erin Savage, Water Quality Specialist, 828-262-1500, Cat McCue, Communications Director, 434-293-6373, Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a draft of new national water quality…

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A Victory in the Battle to Protect Blair Mountain

blairmtn-1aAn order from the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection will put a section of a mountaintop removal permit near historic Blair Mountain off limits to mining until at least 2018, when the permit comes up for renewal. During a site visit in March, Friends of Blair Mountain documented “significant areas of the battlefield” that were destroyed through logging and construction methods.

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Tennessee mountains are at risk, here’s what you can do

TennesseeThe Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation is conducting a public hearing tomorrow on a proposed surface mine in Claiborne County, Tenn. If the permit for the Clear Fork mine is approved, Kopper Glo Fuel, Inc., would discharge its pollution into surrounding creeks that feed the Cumberland River, many of which are already impaired by surface mining. Here’s what you can do.

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Counteracting Coal’s Dirty Tricks

dirty_stream2Last month, we acted quickly to undermine H.R. 2824, a pro-mountaintop removal bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. While we never expected to prevent the bill from passing the anti-environmental House, our efforts helped to make the perils of mountaintop removal the message of the day.

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America’s biggest bank moves away from mountaintop removal

r-TOO-BIG-TO-FAIL-large570Pressuring large investment banks to stop financing mountaintop removal has been a strategy of the nationwide movement to end the practice for years. Judging by the progress made by Rainforest Action Network, and other grassroots groups targeting the infamous “too big to fails,” that strategy is working.

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Virginia Power Shifters intend to organize and win on climate

13696548693_a845c28fac_z (1)Building community and standing up to polluters with grassroots strength: these were among the themes of Virginia Power Shift, which took place in Richmond last weekend. Students worked tirelessly to involve campuses from all over the state, and delegations traveled from across Virginia to join in the hard work that constitutes this amazing young leaders’ summit.

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Supreme Court Rejects Spruce Mine Mountaintop Removal Case

The U.S. Supreme Court says it won’t consider the case of Mingo Logan Coal Co. v. EPA, a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to veto mountaintop removal permits. In this case, the permits in question are for Arch Coal’s Spruce Mine No. 1 — the largest mountaintop removal project ever proposed in West Virginia.

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Pro-Mountaintop Removal Bill Headed to House Floor

congress It’s hard to get a good bill all the way through the legislative process to receive a vote on the House floor. Apparently it’s much easier to get a bad bill that far. H.R. 2824 — pro-mountaintop removal legislation that would weaken protections for Appalachian streams — is expected to head to the House floor for a full vote sometime next week.

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