Blog Archives

Proposed Changes to WNC Hunting Seasons

The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission proposed changes to allow bear and deer hunting seasons to overlap and allow longer periods of hunting with guns.


Debate Over ATV Access to West Virginia Wildlife Areas

A West Virginia hunting association hopes to change current state rules regarding the use of all-terrain vehicles in wildlife management areas.


Wild Hogs a Source of Agriculture Trouble in Tennessee

A rapidly expanding population of wild hogs is causing a massive headache for farmers in Tennessee.


The Ebb and Flow of Appalachia’s Game Species

By Davis Wax From the mythic, raccoon-crowned Daniel Boone to the adventurous, tradition-minded hunter of today, hunting in Appalachia makes up a long and colored tale. Its most intriguing characters may be the game species themselves, each accentuating a pastime


Editorial and Viewpoint

A Politician A Day Keeps The EPA At Bay What is it about politicians that calls them to be so obedient to the worst of the bad apples in big business? The mantra of the 112th Congress seems to be


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