EPA says Corps must reject federal water crossing permit for Mountain Valley Pipeline

CONTACT: Cat McCue, 434-293-6373, cat@appvoices.org Amy Adams, 828-964-7431, amy@appvoices.org The Environmental Protection Agency has recommended to the Corps of Engineers that it not issue a stream-crossing permit currently under consideration for the controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline. In a May 27 letter to the Corps, the EPA said that MVP has failed to show that muddy…

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Stopping a massive fracked-gas pipeline takes a village

Some organize community meetings, some drive for hours to testify at hearings, some pray, some rally, some give detailed research to government agencies, some file lawsuits — and some occupy tree-sits in protest. All stand against the unneeded, dangerous fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline.

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Almost 8,000 call on federal agency to not allow the Mountain Valley Pipeline to cut through public forest land in Virginia

CONTACT: Russell Chisholm, Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights Coalition, russell.powhr@gmail.com, 540-404-2727 Jessica Sims, Appalachian Voices, jessica@appvoices.org, 804-356-1228 With the close of a public comment period yesterday, the U.S. Forest Service has received more than 1,800 personal comments and approximately 6,000 comments through organizational petitions from groups urging the agency to drop its plans to allow…

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Conservation groups applaud court’s suspension of Mountain Valley Pipeline construction

CONTACT: Cat McCue 434-293-6373 cat@appvoices.org The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals today sided with conservation groups and issued an immediate stay of Mountain Valley Pipeline’s stream and wetland crossing permits in southern West Virginia and Virginia. The groups, noting the company’s stated rush to resume construction and the serious environmental harms likely to result, had…

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Groups take legal action to support North Carolina denial of Southgate pipeline

MVP Southgate protest sign

CONTACT: Ridge Graham, Appalachian Voices, (828) 994-7444, ridge@appvoices.org Perrin de Jong, Center for Biological Diversity, (828) 595-1862, perrin@biologicaldiversity.org Doug Jackson, Sierra Club, (202) 495-3045, doug.jackson@sierraclub.org RICHMOND, Va.— The Center for Biological Diversity, Appalachian Voices and Sierra Club filed a motion Tuesday with the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals to defend the North Carolina Department…

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Appalachian Voices denounces FERC’s greenlight for Mountain Valley Pipeline to resume

CONTACT: Cat McCue, 434-293-6373, cat@appvoices.org Jessica Sims, jessica@appvoices.org, 804-356-1228 In a snub to thousands of Appalachian landowners and others seeking to stop the unneeded, dangerous Mountain Valley Pipeline, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission late today voted 2-1 to extend its certificate for the project by two years, and simultaneously lifted its stop-work order for construction…

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NC regulators deny environmental permit for fracked-gas Southgate pipeline

CONTACT: Ridge Graham, Appalachian Voices, (828) 994-7444, ridge@appvoices.org Perrin de Jong, Center for Biological Diversity, (828) 252-4646, perrin@biologicaldiversity.org Emily Sutton, Haw RiverKeeper, (573) 979-1038, emily@hawriver.org Today, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality denied the permit application for Southgate extension of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. The agency said “that work on the Southgate extension could…

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FERC rubber stamps unneeded Southgate fracked-gas pipeline


CONTACT: Ridge Graham, North Carolina Field Coordinator, ridge@appvoices.org, 828-262-1500 The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission today granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC, for its Southgate pipeline project. The pipeline would take gas from the terminus of the Mountain Valley Pipeline in Pittsylvania County, Va., through Rockingham and Alamance counties…

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Federal agency must re-do review of endangered species impacts of Mountain Valley Pipeline

CONTACTS: Doug Jackson, 202-495-3045, doug.jackson@sierraclub.org Cat McCue, 434-293-6373, cat@appvoices.org The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission today requested that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service re-initiate consultation on its Endangered Species Act permit for the fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline. Because the project does not have a valid Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement from the wildlife agency,…

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