More clean energy and less coal ash waste ahead for Asheville

Asheville, N.C., harbors a lively community that has united to push for clean energy and to put an end to Duke Energy’s polluting ways. Two wins came this week for Asheville residents when the City Council voted to increase investments in clean energy and, the next day, the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources…

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In Wake of Shutdown, Polls Point to Congress’s Unpopularity and Public Support of EPA

Two recent polls reveal that North Carolinians and Virginians strongly approve of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s plans to regulate carbon emissions from new power plants and the agency’s role in protecting clean air and water for all Americans. According to a Public Policy Polling survey of 803 North Carolinians commissioned by the Natural Resources…

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Appalachia’s Contested History

By Bill Kovarik It has been 50 years since Harry Caudill wrote “Night Comes to the Cumberlands,” a landmark history that rejected stereotypes of Appalachian people as backward hillbillies and described the ruthless exploitation they suffered. The book spoke with eloquence to the American conscience and set off a firestorm of controversy. Within a year,…

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Tenn Tuesday: SEJ, CAPP Coal Decline, Record Hydro!

Now, with even *more* Chattanooga! Happy Tuesday! A whole mess of Appalachian Voices’ staff spent most of last week and the weekend at the Society of Environmental Journalists conference in one of the greatest cities in America — Chattanooga, Tenn. The Scenic City, has the world’s fastest internet, the first LEED-Platinum certified factory at the…

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Federal Court Orders EPA to Move Forward on Coal Ash Regulations

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, D.C. – A federal judge agreed with environmental and public health groups that the Environmental Protection Agency needs to set federal regulations for the safe and proper disposal of toxic coal ash. A copy of the judge’s order can be found here: The groups filed the lawsuit in April 2012…

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How Far Can Touting “Sustainable Coal” Get You?

A few weeks ago, we heard of a new coal lobbying group (I know, just the thing the world needs) that aims to support something we have not heard of, something called “sustainable coal.” Formed by current and former Democratic members of the U.S House of Representatives, along with several coal lobbyists, CoalBlue aims to…

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