Maine, Philly, DC, oh my!

Well our crew on the road has been tirelessly traveling throughout New England since last Wednesday and has done a knock out job. Here are the highlights: In Boston they had an hour long live interview on WMBR after an interview on the steps of the State House Building. In Maine there was a press…

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FARCES of Coal: World 2 – Luke Popovich 0

The FArCES of Coal are here for YOU, Candlestick Makers of America One of my favorite people to see quoted in the news is the ever-dour NMA mouthpiece Luke Popovich. This guy has a simple job description which reads “Say whatever the coal industry tells you to say.” They even make up the numbers and…

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On the Road…In New England!

Well this week our team hit the road for an Appalachian Treasures tour of the New England States in hopes to raise awareness about the issue of mountaintop removal coal mining and the importance of the Appalachia Restoration Act (SB 696) in the Senate. Our road warriors are: Dustin White, who was born and raised…

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