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Federal government allows failing Mountain Valley Pipeline to go in-service

This lengthy section of green, pre-welded pipeline lays along side a deep, machine-dug trench that extends down a long slope through a cleared swath of forested land.

Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has allowed the Mountain Valley Pipeline to go in-service. This announcement arrives after a decade of community-led resistance to the pipeline project. MVP has doubled in cost and delayed completion for six years due to failures to comply with environmental protections and resulting legal challenges.


Indigenous Couple Fights For Social And Environmental Justice

A crowd of Indigenous people, some dressed in traditional clothing or carrying banners, walk along a road behind a woman carrying a vessel of water.

The nonprofit organization 7 Directions of Service is working to protect the rights of people and nature.


Anger and grief over MVP inclusion in debt deal are warranted, but the fight continues

For those who have poured heart and soul into the fight against the Mountain Valley Pipeline for nearly a decade, June 1 was a horrible night.


Court vacates critical West Virginia water permit for Mountain Valley Pipeline

Today, a unanimous panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit vacated the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s Clean Water Act § 401 certification for the Mountain Valley Pipeline, finding that the agency’s justification behind its conclusion that the pipeline would not violate the state’s water quality standards was deficient.


Mountain Valley Pipeline: Risky, ruinous and roadblocked

Nine years after the Mountain Valley Pipeline project was announced, it remains unnecessary and dangerous to the communities, water resources, lands and habitats through which it is routed.


As comment deadlines come to a close, more than 40,000 voice opposition to new Mountain Valley Pipeline federal permits

In response to the U.S. Forest Service’s intention to break 11 of its own rules for the controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline, over 30,000 individuals and organizations submitted their opposition to the agency’s plan ahead of a February 21 deadline.


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