Appalachian Solar Finance Fund

The Appalachian Solar Finance Fund is project to catalyze commercial and institutional solar projects in coal-impacted communities throughout Central Appalachia.
Through the Appalachian Solar Finance Fund, Appalachian Voices partners with the Central Appalachian Network, Partner Community Capital, Invest Appalachia and New Resource Solutions to accelerate solar development and economic growth in the region. The fund deploys targeted financial tools to jumpstart emerging local solar markets and unlock new commercial and institutional solar energy projects that face unique barriers due to region-specific challenges.
Visit the Solar Finance Fund website
Read the initial press release
On September 16, 2021, Appalachian Voices was awarded $1.5 million by the Appalachian Regional Commission for the project. This award is part of a $46.4 million package supporting 57 projects across 184 coal-impacted counties through ARC’s POWER (Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization) Initiative. POWER targets federal resources to communities affected by job losses in coal mining, coal power plant operations, and coal-related supply chain industries. Additional support for the Appalachian Solar Finance Fund is provided by the Appalachian Investment Ecosystem Initiative, the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, and other pending sources.
The SFF deploys select subgrant awards for solar projects on nonprofit and public buildings. The SFF also develops investment and credit enhancement strategies and facilitates competitive contracts for technical assistance for solar installations on commercial enterprises. The resulting solar projects produce a powerful convergence of employment opportunities, business creation, new investments and wealth retention in Central Appalachian communities directly impacted by the decline in the coal economy.
Email Autumn Long,
Appalachian Solar Finance Fund Project Manager
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