
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia

people stand with "no pipelines" signs

With your help, Virginia legislation can protect our water from pipelines

We’ve resisted the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines for more than three years. Now Virginia lawmakers need to hear our voices to ensure that legislation to better protect landowners and water resources from fracked-gas pipelines becomes law.

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A conversation about co-ops

Electric co-op members in Cumberland Gap learn their rights in a special community forum by our Energy Savings for Appalachia team.

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5 graphs explain coal in Trump’s first year

The Trump administration claims an uptick in coal production shows its anti-regulatory agenda is working —
ignoring the fact 2017 was an outlier and coal’s long-term trend is downward. Meanwhile, coal communities across the country need better policies now to help diversify their local economies.

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MLK Day of Service

On Saturday, January 20, students at Appalachian State University joined with Appalachian Voices for the annual MLK Challenge, a day of community outreach in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Controversy in Va. mounts as Dominion bill nears a vote

Dominion Energy is at it again, using its political influence to push legislation that would weaken regulatory oversight and boost profits at the expense of its Virginia customers. But this time something is different. The corporate giant is being met with significant opposition.

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