
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia


100 sign letter to Va. air board to reject frack-gas facility in African-American community

Environmental justice advocates Karenna Gore, Mustafa Santiago Ali, Don Cheadle and Ed Begley, Jr. were among the 100 people who signed a letter to Va. regulators urging a denial of huge compressor station in the largely African-American community of Union Hill.

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Central Appalachia’s newest coal boss facing bankruptcies

Virginia businessman Tom Clarke’s foray into the coal industry initially looked promising for addressing environmental and community problems. Now, however, his business model is looking questionable.

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Virginia electric co-ops fight to keep doors closed to members

Rural electric co-ops were set up as democratic institutions, but have increasingly become unresponsive to their customers, who are also owner-members. In Virginia, members of two co-ops are challenging the status quo.

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central appalachian coal production graph

Coal industry sees bankruptcies and exports in volatile 2018

Some coal companies appear to be banking on opportunities for short-term gain with metallurgical coal, but the metallurgical market can only prop up the industry for so long.

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Atlantic Coast Pipeline water crossing sign

Army Corps suspends stream crossing permit for entire Atlantic Coast Pipeline

An essential permit for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline was suspended on Wednesday, effectively shutting down work at more than 1,500 stream and wetland crossings along the fracked gas line’s 600-mile route.

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