
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia


Duke Energy Appeals Court Order to End Coal Ash Groundwater Pollution

9068479979_3023eb4546_zDuke Energy has appealed the March 6 ruling by a Wake County judge that it must take immediate action to end groundwater pollution from its coal ash ponds at its coal-fired power plants in North Carolina. The company also asked the N.C. Court of Appeals to stay the order until an appeal can be heard to avoid losing “years of planning” to improve how it handles coal ash.

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U.S. Supreme Court Rules on the “Sequel to Citizens United”

Us_supreme_court_sealIf you weren’t recently rescued from a deserted island, you’re probably aware that money in politics holds sway over every issue imaginable. So anyone passionate about, well, anything really, should take note of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling today on McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, a case that’s being called “the sequel to Citizens United.”

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Heroes and Hyperbole: U.S. House Passes Pro-Mountaintop Removal Bill

bS4k69iLast week, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to roll back stream protections in an effort to make it easier to dump waste from mountaintop removal mines into Appalachian streams. Given the makeup of the House right now, this comes as no surprise. But there is a silver lining.

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Another Week of Coal Ash Coverage in North Carolina

12310805543_fdedeeee35_bSince the Dan River coal ash spill drew national attention to the threats coal ash poses to waterways, North Carolinians have come together to tell state regulators and elected officials that the risks associated with Duke Energy’s mismanaged and outdated coal ash ponds are unacceptable. Here is a round up of the ongoing news coverage of North Carolina’s coal ash problem in the wake of the spill.

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Clean energy works, I heard it on the radio

800px-Fisher_500_radio The more that Virginia news outlets cover the ins and outs of energy, the more Virginians will understand where our electricity comes from and whether these sources are safe, reliable and affordable for all. So tune in to this recent five-part series highlighting the opportunities and obstacles for clean energy in the commonwealth.

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