It is shocking

In an Associated Press article in the Nov. 5 Herald-Leader, Kentucky Coal Association President Bill Caylor commented on anti-surface mining organizations’ use of the Internet and Google Earth to display satellite images of mountaintop-removal mining sites. “I clearly think it’s for shock value,” Caylor said. “They’re playing the emotional card on us.” Well, I am…

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Churches Call for Changes in Rural Practices

Churches call for changes in rural practices Associated Press BARDSTOWN, Ky. – Some rural practices – such as mountaintop removal coal mining – are damaging the environment and should be discontinued, the Kentucky Council of Churches said at the conclusion of a conference on Friday. The council, which represents Roman Catholic dioceses and 10 other…

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Thoughts on Volunteering and Interning

Over the past year and a half, I’ve interned and volunteered at AV and it has been an awesome experience. I think the most meaningful thing I’ve done was last spring, when I did a research project for a class through AV. I made four trips up to West Virginia to see and feel first…

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Ban Strip Mining in Tennessee

This webpage has all the info you need to support the bill banning strip mining in Tennessee. The day we get the actual bill number we will post it. We are not territorial or “turffy” about this bill at all. We need everyone to push it–tear apart the webpage and use it in any…

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The Least Sexy Part of Energize America

The Least Sexy Part of Energize America Email Print Originally posted on DailyKos here By Devilstower 10/15/2006 11:48:42 PM EST Energize America is chock full o’ cool. There are great ideas in the plan to expand solar, wind, and other renewable sources. There’s support for much improved conservation, and there are R&D targets that could…

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Blankenship Efforts Fall Short

Blankenship efforts fall short By The Associated Press Tuesday November 07, 2006 Voters today kept Democrats in charge of West Virginia’s Legislature, largely ignoring a coal executive’s multimillion-dollar campaign to sweep Republicans into office. An ailing Delegate Margarette Leach, D-Cabell, was the only incumbent Democrat to fall as her party kept its majority in…

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Ducks Unlimited Wades into the Carbon Market

Aggregating terrestrial credits for the voluntary carbon market sounds like a fairly esoteric enterprise to most, but for Ducks Unlimited—a 70-year-old conservation organization that has worked with thousands of landowners on projects covering 11 million acres of land—pulling together land for CO2 sequestration was a natural evolution of its services. Unlike trading centers or investment…

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Happy Holidays!

Please excuse my post-election blogging sabbatical. I have been working on getting my head back above water with schoolwork, doing some much needed relaxing, and giving thanks (especially for Will, Benji, Sarah, and Anita for taking over the blog and rocking) and for a fortunate lot in life. Things are on the up and up…

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