EPA Rejects Proposed Lumber Treatment

[ Washington , DC ] The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday rejected an industry request to use a chromate-based wood preservative for lumber in decks and playground equipment, saying it poses a risk of cancer and other health problems. The Forest Products Research Laboratory had requested that EPA approve the residential use of the preservative…

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Forest Certification

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification is the most widely recognized certification system for sustainability in forestry. FSC’s management standards establish clear guidelines for forest management that protects the health of forest ecosystems while producing timber and other forest products. Private landowners (who own most of the forestland in the US) and local mills and manufacturers…

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Jury settles property dispute case

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 4:07 PM CST WILLIAMSON – A six-person jury has awarded a Meador couple punitive and compensatory damages after finding that a Virginia-based land company involved in a property dispute with the couple acted with gross fraud, malice, oppression, wanton, willful and reckless conduct, and/or criminal indifference. The conflict, which had been…

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Small Herd of Elk Spotted in Logan

DNR biologist ‘suspicious’ about arrival There’s no question that at least one small herd of elk has taken up residence in the rugged hills of Boone and Logan counties. What puzzles wildlife officials is where the critters came from, and how they got there in the first place. “What makes us suspicious is that these…

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Sunny Forecast for Solar Energy Shines Light on Jobs

Sunny forecast for solar energy shines light on jobs By Steven Mufson THE WASHINGTON POST 11/24/2006 http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/business/stories.nsf/0/C846EE98FA27D31A8625722F000A79FF? OpenDocument The top of a large steel vat gently swings open, and a slab of silicon, cut into pieces the size of large bricks, is lifted onto a conveyor belt. On a mezzanine above the warehouse-style floor of…

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Coal-to-Liquid a Top Priority for Boucher

November 18, 2006 08:36 pm Coal-to-liquid a top priority for Boucher http://www.bdtonline.com/local/local_story_322203650.html By TOM COLLEY Bluefield Daily Telegraph U.S. Rep. Rick Boucher headed home to Abingdon Friday after the U.S. House was restructured Thursday, strongly supporting the newly elected House Majority Leader, Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland. But, in a wide ranging interview, he was…

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Another Way

Another Way A band of idealists in the mountains of North Carolina is trying to build a low-energy lifestyle. But must we all live like hippies in the woods to make a difference? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/11/14/AR2006111400979.html By Joel Achenbach Sunday, November 19, 2006; W10 THE SOLUTION TO THE ENERGY CRISIS turns out to be, in part, mood…

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Guidelines for Developing and Managing Ecological Restoration Projects

This document describes the procedures for conducting ecological restoration in accord with the norms of the discipline that were established in the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) International Primer. The guidelines are applicable to the restoration of any ecosystem—terrestrial or aquatic—that is attempted anywhere in the world and under any auspices, including public works projects,…

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Gifts That Support Sustainable Forestry

Sustainable Woods Network: A link to products from well-managed woodlands Groups of private woodland owners across the country are working to coordinate sales of timber harvests, logs or of manufactured wood products. Some also have character wood or non-wood items that come from their sustainably managed woodlands. If you see something of interest in the…

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