Dominion attempts another legislative end-run of regulatory process to lock in long-term profits

A proposal from Dominion Energy introduced today in the Virginia General Assembly would give the company — which profits from a state-sanctioned monopoly in its service territory — new latitude to further its interests at the public’s expense. Among other things, it continues a long-standing history of Dominion stripping authority from the State Corporation Commission…

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Make a difference in N.C. in the new year!

citizens with signs protesting the rate hike

Duke Energy is seeking a damaging rate hike of nearly 17% that would hit low-income folks the hardest and lower incentives for solar and energy efficiency — all while forcing ratepayers to cover the cost of Duke’s coal ash mistakes. Show up and speak out!

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Appalachian Voices files suit to stop fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline

WASHINGTON, DC — Late yesterday, a coalition of environmental groups took legal action in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to halt start of construction of the fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline, challenging the “certificate of public convenience and necessity” issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Attorneys for Appalachian Mountain Advocates filed…

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The Land Matrix, Part 2: The major players

Part two of the Land Matrix series takes a look at how major landowners like coal corporations affect the land ownership in Appalachia — and how this top-heavy structure could be preventing major changes that would have positive impacts on the local economy.

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Virginia Water Control Board ignores citizen concerns, expert comments and approves controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline


CONTACT: Cat McCue, Appalachian Voices, 434-953-8672, Roberta Bondurant, Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights, 540-793-4769, Today, the State Water Control Board approved the permit for the proposed fracked-gas Mountain Valley Pipeline that would run 300 miles from West Virginia through six counties of Virginia. The 5-2 vote came after a full day of public…

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