New Analysis of Genuine Progress Indicator Shows that U.S. Economic Progress Has Been Stagnant Since

In stark contrast with President Bush’s rosy economic reports, the U.S. economy has actually stagnated since the late 1970s as income inequality, environmental degradation, and our flailing international position take their toll on real economic progress. This is one of the key findings the 2006 Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) update. The GPI is an alternative…

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Plant studies

More issues need coverage on Duke Energy’s Cliffside power plant. What is the rationale for Public Staff approval? Has there really been any serious study of conservation/efficiency/alternative energy routes? With the attorney general skeptical, something is really wrong with this picture. It is well known that the United States is far less efficient in energy…

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Mountaintop Removal Bill Won’t be Considered in KY

Thanks to Vivian at OHVEC for the story, and for the great folks at Kentuckians for the Commonwealth (KFTC) who do such amazing work in the state of Kentucky, the Appalachian Region, and throughout the United States. Mountaintop removal bill won’t be considered in KY: PRACTICE COULD BECOME ISSUE IN 2007 CAMPAIGN FOR GOVERNOR (and…

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Some plant trees to eat CO2

[Idaho] Some landowners in the Pacific Northwest are planting new forests of trees to consume greenhouse gases and potentially buffer climate change, in a business called carbon forestry. The Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho recently planted 5,000 acres of new forest along the Clearwater River and is in the process of selling carbon credits from…

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Rainforest Alliance Helps Launch Council to Promote Environmentally and Socially Responsible Furnitu

[New York] Representatives from the Rainforest Alliance, a non-profit international conservation organization, are taking part in an innovative new group called the Sustainable Furniture Council, which brings together members of the home furnishings industry and organizations committed to responsible business practices and promoting furniture produced in an environmentally and socially responsible way. The Rainforest Alliance…

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“Energize America” Goes to Congress!

Energize America (EA) is one of the first ever attempts to craft enormous public policy by using the populist new medium of blogs and the internet. And we are all invited! Ever wanted to write America’s energy laws? Well, now is your chance! We are asked to develop legislative proposals (draft) bills based on the…

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